Greetings from Europe, Germany from our beautiful spaceship Earth 🚀
With an example for the Web Serial API · The Web Serial API is a browser-based interface that makes it possible to communicate with hardware devices via...
and why you should include it in your repository · It is good practice to version the pubspec.lock file in a Flutter project. The pubspec.lock file...
What's needed to build your own · OpenAI's API is surprisingly easy to use. It is no different from other REST APIs. So integrating AI into your own...
Bake your fake - gigabytes of anonymous test data · In 2019 (and still in 2022), we probably do not need to create data, we just need to print out one of...
Experimental coding battle in my company – The fun way to learn from each other · Inspired by my famous CSS YouTuber Kevin Powell and his CSS battles...
Sending emails with Node-RED is very easy. But it's hard to do it in a beautiful way. MJML meets Node-RED! · Sending emails with Node-RED is very easy....